Partly Facetious: Campbell was a spin doctor
The Minister for Disinform-ation has said "Imran should not politicise the drone issue."
"Minister for Disinformation?"
"Since when have you become a Nawala, a Nawaz Sharif supporter? A Minister for Information if you will is not a portfolio in the West..."
"What about Alastair Campbell, the poodle Tony Blair's Disinformation guru?"
"Campbell was a spin doctor and a spin doctor is different from a Minister for Information."
"A spin doctor does not rely on a simple denial followed by an attack namely that the other party is politicising an issue. A spin doctor has the brains to put a spin on any story that would be to the advantage of his party leader. Now I ask Rashid one question: isn't it the job of an opposition party member to criticise government actions or non actions?"
"Yes, but he said Imran must not politicise the issue."
"The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) came to power in KPK on the promise that it would end drone strikes and need I add it was a call that was taken up by Pervez Rashid's party leadership in the run up to the elections as well. So subsequent to Nawaz Sharif's US visit is it not a legitimate query from the PTI to ask what happened if anything on drone strikes."
"Hey, what do you mean KPK? I heard Haji Adeel of ANP getting angry on a television programme when someone referred to the province as KPK? I mean considering that is all that his party gave to the province it ruled for five years..."
"Well, also we are a lazy bunch and if the province's name is so long then it was bound to be shortened verbally and in writing and Haji sahib's party should have thought about that earlier."
"Don't be facetious."
"Well, remember what we did to North West Frontier Province?"
"Yes, but..."
"That is why a Sindhi is the most loyal to his province, only one syllable, followed by Punjab, two syllables, Balochistan has three and now KPK has five. And you know what? There is the Kh sound for which there is no English equivalent so no English native speaker would be able to pronounce it which means that all foreigners especially those who give us aid are going to mispronounce the province's name."
"You are being facetious today."
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